Using Our Library

Take time to learn about other people’s experiences of the Light. Remember the importance of the Bible, the writings of Friends and all writings which reveal the ways of God.


Our Library supports the spiritual and social concerns of the Meeting by acquiring relevant material which might otherwise be hard to obtain. We have over 1,500 books and pamphlets covering a wide range of subjects relevant to Quakers and Quakerism, most of which are available for loan.

We also have a small collection of antiquarian books, which are kept in the Short Room. These may be consulted by arrangement with the Librarian.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, the Library is available as a study space for student Friends (and also for anyone else). Opening hours are 2-6pm; there is no requirement to book, but please remember to bring a face covering.


We don’t have an up-to-date catalogue; instead, you can consult the handlists below, which divide the collection into 16 broad areas, plus the antiquarian collection.

To view a list, click the title of the subject area (not the number beside it); the list will open in a new tab/window. If the book you seek doesn’t appear in the list where you expected to find it, try looking in a related list.


Books and pamphlets can be borrowed for up to 4 weeks. We do not levy fines for late returns, but we ask readers to return items as soon as they have finished with them.

In normal times, we provide a ledger for recording borrowings (and returns) on the lectern located on top of the cupboard under the window. Please enter details of the item and your own contact information.

Special arrangements for borrowing during the Coronavirus pandemic:
To borrow a book (or books), please fill in the online form below (you can request as many books as you like on the same form). Your request will be sent directly to the Librarian. She will retrieve the book, place it in a bag in the foyer of No. 43 and let you know that it is ready for collection. Then, please email or phone the Office to arrange a time for you to pick it up.

When you click ‘Send’ the website will display your message to you; click ‘Go back’ to return to this page.

Suggestions, donations, etc.

Suggestions for new books or improvements are welcome. Please contact the Librarian about donations. However, the present Library is running short of space, and so the Library Committee may not be able to accept all offerings.